After dropping to a three-year low last year, consumer purchases of smartphones are expected to rebound this year - and Chinese consumers are the main drivers of this upturn, a survey says.一份调查称之为,智能手机购买量在去年降至了三年以来的最低点,但是预计今年将经常出现声浪,而中国正是这种恶化现象的主要驱动力。The rebound is fueled by better security, new functions, improved performance and device refresh schedules, according to consulting firm Accentures report Dynamic Digital Consumers.据咨询公司埃森哲公布的《动态数字消费者》回应,智能手机购买量声浪的原因还包括更佳的安全性机制、新的功能、经过提高的性能和设备改版计划等。More than half (54 percent) of global consumers surveyed say they plan to buy a smartphone this year, up from 48 percent in last years survey.多达半数(54%)的访谈全球消费者回应,他们有计划在未来一年中出售智能手机,比起去年的48%有所下降。Chinese consumers are the main drivers of this upturn, with three-quarters (74 percent) of respondents in China saying they intend to purchase one in the coming 12 months - up from less than two-thirds (61 percent) in last years survey.中国消费者是这一恶化的主要驱动力,大约四分之三(74%)的中国受访者回应,他们将有意愿在未来一年内出售一部智能手机--而在去年的调查中,这一数字还将近三分之二(61%)。
Among the consumers surveyed, the leading driver of purchase intent is the ability to access the newest and most innovative features and functions, cited by 51 percent of respondents in this years survey, compared with only 41 percent last year.在被调查的消费者中,智能手机出售意愿的主要驱动力是可以用于近期、最不具创新特点功能,在今年的调查中,有51%的受访者提及了这一点,而去年这一数字只有41%。Another reason consumers are opting to buy new smartphones is inadequate performance of their existing devices, cited by 45 percent of customers this year—up from 33 percent last year.消费者自由选择出售一部新的智能手机的另一个原因是,他们现有智能手机的性能过于完备,有45%的受访者在今年的调查中提及了这一点,较去年的33%有显著快速增长。
Improved features and falling prices are key reasons consumers around the world are signaling a desire to buy new smartphones, says David Sovie, global managing director for Accentures Electronics and High-Tech business.埃森哲电子和高科技企业全球董事经理大卫·索维回应:“提高的性能和减少的价格是全球消费者们回应出有想出售新的智能手机心愿的关键原因。”Growing acceptance of services powered by artificial intelligence, such as voice assistants, is also fueling this market upswing. 2017 will be the year when artificial intelligence goes mainstream in consumer devices.“更加多的人拒绝接受人工智能服务,例如语音助手,也助长了该市场的转好。